Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Best of Friends! The Worst of Friends

Every race I've ever done I've been so happy to see anyone coming out to support the competitors. As I briefly mentioned in my review of the Sheffield Half, the crowds were out in force. And once again thank you to you all. However the crowd are a double edged sword, let me explain after the jump.

The Good

The crowd make the event. The can give you the energy to finish the race. And there are always kids wanting high fives from the runners at the side of the road. All in the all the crowd are awesome, with the shouting and cheering and trying to foist Jelly Babies on you. Also sometimes they have a hose to spray down overheating runners.  Wonderful wonderful people.

The Bad

They are dirty filthy liars. Sorry to have to tell you that crowd but you are. The crowd, as well meaning as they mean, will lie to you. For instance on the Sheffield Half Marathon, coming up to the approach to the Toby Carvery on Eccleshall Rd, a crowd member confidently told me it was all downhill from there. Despite the fact that right in front of me there was a hill, not hidden around the corner but right in front of me, my front foot is literally already on the incline.

And don't get me started on their very poor distance estimation skills. After you've trudged however many miles it is, you know exactly how far remains. Also at 5 Miles on a half, you're not half way there trust me.

 The Ugly Truth

When I'm on the side of the course, I'm the biggest filthiest liar of all. I'll cheer you on telling you its not further, I'll fib to you and tell you that its flat all the way down the home stretch, having chosen to forget that there's a hill. And the reason I do this, is the same as everyone else, its trying to cheer you onto to finish and if that requires a bit of deception then that's what the crowd will do for you.

So let's hear it for the crowd.

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