Last week started well with a good gym session on Monday (19th Jan) which involved: 15minutes sprint intervals on the treadmill, followed by 40 minutes of high intensity cardio and weight training.
Tuesday's run didn't happen unfortunately, due to work, a 5 a side tournament, poorly children and if I'm honest it was bloody cold!
Wednesday was back to the pool for a swim coach session. In total approximately 1700 metres was covered through various drills. I need to try and fit more sessions in to practise the techniques learnt in these sessions.
Thursday and a return to the Gym. Again, high intensity cardio and weight exercises was the main focus.
Friday I was meant to return to the pool while my son had his swimming lesson. This plan was scuppered when my school's 5 a side football team won their first tournament on Tuesday (20th Jan) which was great. The problem was, this put them through to the finals which were on, you guessed it, Friday evening. So the swim didn't happen, but a big well done to the team from my school for getting to the finals!
Saturday is where it all went wrong and the reason why my post is so late. Last week I was very pleased indeed to avoid the horrible sickness bug which made Lucie, Madoc and Ioan very poorly indeed. Alas, I could not evade this bug entirely. Whilst travelling back from visiting Lucie's family on Saturday evening, I became very aware I need to get to a toilet and quick! So it was foot down, get home asap, and... well I won't go into the gory details but I wasn't well.
This wiped me out for Sunday and Monday and I only got my appetite back on Tuesday so there was no more training for that week.
As for the week ahead, well we are already half way through it. Today is Wednesday 28th January and I started training again with this weeks swim coaching session. It was a great session tonight, involving the use of my new fins and pull buoy which I really enjoy using.
As for the rest of the week, this is the plan:
Thursday 29th: Gym session
Friday 30th: Early morning run and evening swim
Saturday 31st: Early morning run
Sunday: Rest
Fingers crossed nothing gets in the way!
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