Thursday, 8 January 2015


21 months to go! Worrying! Yes the Evans-Howell team are signing up for another ludicrous event in which we will be completely out of our depths. But first, I believe the origin of the Evans-Howell team deserves a little explanation.

2003, Newport university, South Wales, Evans met Howell. A friendship was then built on beer and mischief. We took part in many team building exercises such as: re-positioning of furniture (fencing ‘borrowed’ and placed outside annoying neighbours door); acquisition of a much wanted Mr Frosty; the taping up and blocking of several more doors; the collecting and freezing of beer dregs (SO WRONG); adopting random cats; engagement ring shopping and even attempting to write a highly controversial sit-com involving Kriss Akabusi!

As time went on, we turned our attentions to more challenging events such as sprint triathlons and a 24 hour mountain bike race which caused nothing but pain!

Rhys and I have both taken up running over the last few years and have taken part in several races individually, however we felt the time was right to re-unite the team and embark on another ridiculous challenge.

The idea of us doing an Ironman first developed 3 or 4 years ago when Rhys and I went out for a few drinks. The original plan for the evening was to discuss ways of how I could propose to my girlfriend (now wife). The proposal ideas started well, but became a little OTT so the conversation moved on to Ironman.  Both of us agreed that we would take on and complete the Ironman Wales event by the time we were 40.

 Eventually we both realised that by the time we were 40, we would more than likely be in no fit state to compete so we changed the age to 35.  We didn’t really talk about Ironman again much after this until early September 2014 when I took part in another sprint triathlon. It was after this that I text Rhys with the words “Ironman 2016, you in?” I had no doubt what his reply would be: “Yep, sounds good”.

So here we are. January 2015, still feeling the effects of the Christmas festivities and about to embark on a seemingly impossible challenge for two men who like to sign up for things for a laugh!  

In the words of my fellow blogger ....... BRING IT ON!    


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