Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Tinpot Sprint 2016- Race Report

Place: Pond's Forge Sports Centre, Sheffield

Organiser: Me, Myself and I

Distance: 750m swim, 20k Bike, 5K run

More after the jump.

Beforehand: Now you may have read my post of the 1st of February, setting up the Inaugural Tinpot Sprint Triathlon (If not, its here . Due to my wonderful lack of promotion, we've had minimum amount of people joining in, but we'll save the results for the end of the post.

To be honest, I'd completely forgotten I'd entered until around lunchtime on the 29th of February. It may have stolen payday in 2016, but thank you leap day for giving me the chance to complete the Tinpot Sprint. Luckily for me, I'd missed Sunday swim and run training so I had a full Tri kit in my car just raring to go after work. Everything that is apart from socks. Knowing that I'd never make it out of the house again if I headed back for socks after work, a trip to Decathlon was required. This quick stop off for socks, resulted in me also buying some new shoes. (Future post to come on those, sneak peek below)

The shoes, as shot by a professional

So after grabbing those beauties, I headed to Pond's Forge to get the Tinpot Sprint underway.

Route: A simple route of  thirty 25 metres lengths of the main competition pool, followed by 20k on the bike in the gym and a 5 k run on the treadmill. Simple

The race:

I headed to the lane swimming, and choose one of the middle speed lanes with only three people in it. Unfortunately they were doing breaststroke and I was planning to use my frontcrawl for the duration of the race. Although getting caught behind them a couple of times meant I did have to fall back into breaststroke once or twice. I did however manage to keep crawling for the remainder of the distance.

Time: 18 minutes 45 seconds  (5 minutes 39 seconds quicker than Max Ironman Time)

Moving onto the bike, I did 5k on 8 resistance, then 5k at 6 resistance then repeated the pattern for the remainder of the distance. I believe I watched The Simpsons as I did it, One where Bart kidnaps himself, some good visual humour but no idea on the words as I still haven't worked out how to get the subtitle working on the new bikes.

Time: 43 Minutes  (3 minutes 45 seconds quicker than Max Ironman Time)

For the Run, it was a steady gradient on 1% and run on a 1 minute running, 1 minute trotting. No viewing for this, just paying attention to the speed and gradient screen.

Time: 35 minute 50 seconds (4 minutes 46 seconds quicker than Max Ironman Time

So Grand Total Time:  97 minutes 35 seconds, which is a time I'm very happy with and feel I'm on the right track for Ironman in September.  And as the sole entrant (Unless anyone comes forward to say otherwise) I'm also the winner. Ah pointless victories are the easiest.


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