Monday, 21 March 2016

The Fear

We're about 6 months away from Ironman Wales 2016 and Dan's posting some amazing race reports and race times, (which you can read here and here if you've not yet.)He's cracking on like great guns and to be honest I've got "The Fear". More after the break.

What is "The Fear"? Its the sense that I'm heading for a massive pile up and that despite all the training so far, that this Ironman dream is out of reach. I've been number crunching after each training session and so far it looks like I'm either just in the 17 hour time limit or more worryingly just outside of it. And I know I always say triathlon is about you versus the course but to be honest Dan's great run times and his reports to me on his swimming have me wobbling that I'm just not going to cut the mustard in the day of the race.

This isn't meant to be a moan or a whinge but rather an update on how this Tinpot Ironman is getting on. Basically feeling more Tinpot than Ironman at the moment.

However the only way I can guarantee that I won't be an Ironman is to give in to "The Fear" and to cut back on the training. This onset of "The Fear" just goes to show how the Ironman race is much longer than just the 140.6 Miles, the race is all the months running up. Its about the mentality to keep going not just on those roads in Wales but to keep going in the months leading up. Its about not listening to "The Fear" and doing the time anyway or listening to "The Fear" and proving it wrong with a killer training session.

So at the moment "The Fear" isn't defeated and I'm still worried about September the 18th but I'm going to keep pushing on and we shall see how it goes. Anyone have any advice for defeating "The Fear", please pop it in the comments.

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